Make a Difference
There are so many opportunities to serve, and we want to help you find your passion and explore areas of ministry that excite you the most.
Do you enjoy meeting new people? Join our Hospitality team.
Have a heart for young families? Our Children’s Ministry is for you.
Looking to engage with middle and high school teens? Check out our Youth page.
Are you more “behind-the-scenes” focused? We have so many opportunities where you can leave a lasting impact.
Volunteers often serve on a “one-month on, two-months off” rotation. Volunteers can expect a 1-3 hour weekly commitment, depending on the area of ministry.
Let’s make a difference together!
The Children’s Ministry aims to make disciples and encourage children to walk with Jesus every step of the way. We want to share in developing our children into the person God made them to be and equip families in their spiritual formation.
All children’s volunteers can expect guidance, training opportunities, and encouragement from the Children’s Minister.
Most roles involve:
Building relationships with the children and their parents; serving as an assistant to the lead teacher; playing games; practicing key safety guidelines; and facilitating the check-out of each child from their class.
For more information, contact Ben at
The Hospitality team serves to welcome guests into the building warmly and connect visitors to the people of Cornerstone. This team serves as the first faces guests see when they join us on Sunday mornings.
All volunteers can expect guidance, training opportunities, and encouragement from the Connection's Minister.
Most roles involve:
Greeting guests; connecting guests to meaningful relationships; having a friendly smile; handshakes, high-fives, and waves are always welcome; aiding in guest transport; and helping people feel comfortable and welcome.
For more information, contact Joshua at
Youth team members serve to help students grow and mature in their walk toward Jesus Christ. Helping the next generation become followers of Christ truly makes a difference in the lives of these students and their families.
All volunteers can expect guidance, training opportunities, and encouragement from the Youth Minister.
Most roles involve:
Being a role model for students; praying with teens; playing games; hanging out; and helping cultivate an environment of safety, authenticity, and trust.
For more information, contact Matt at
Worship team members serve to help guide people through Sunday morning worship service in praise and honor of Jesus Christ. Through vocals, instruments, video/audio, and other musical skills, we want to lead people toward the worship of our creator.
All volunteers can expect guidance, training opportunities, and encouragement from the Worship Arts Minister.
Most roles involve:
Weekly practices and on-stage performances; individual vocal/instrumental training; public speaking training; audio/visual training and execution; and team building exercises.
For more information, contact Collin at
From the Food Pantry team which prepares food and care packages twice a month, to the Property team which maintains the physical church property as needed, to the Security team which oversees the overall safety of our guests on Sunday Mornings, we have lots of areas to serve.
These opportunities are perfect for those who enjoy serving out of view of others. These acts of faithfulness never go unnoticed and always leave a meaningful impact on the mission of Cornerstone and the lives of those we serve.
For more information on how you can serve, contact Joshua at