Why Should I Read The Bible Forward?

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  Jun 4, 2023
Why Should I Read The Bible Forward?

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Main Question for today...

Why should I read the Bible Forward or "Front-to-Back?"


Consider this...

What do you think reading "front-to-back" is?

Why is it important to understand Scripture in its Context?

What happens when we take Scripture out of context?


Wrong ways to read the Bible:

Reading the NT as if the OT doesn't exist – we end up ignoring the Jewish background of the text.

Reading the OT as if the NT doesn't exist – we end up ignoring the direction God went in Christ.

Reading the OT as if the OT doesn't exist - ignores the original context by inserting Christ and/or our theology everywhere.

Reading the NT as if the NT doesn't exist - ignore the original context by inserting our theology everywhere


The following passages are examples of reading the OT as if the OT doesn’t exist.


Genesis 1:26

Who is the "us" / "Our" in this passage? Often times, we as Christians automatically insert Jesus and the Holy Spirit here.

Who or what else could this passage be referring to? Think about the original audience, this passages original context, and what this meant for the people reading this for the very first time.

What are some negative side effects if we insert our later understanding of the Bible into this earlier passage?


Hosea 11:1

Where have we heard this passage before?

Read Matthew 2:15

How is Hosea 11:1 typically used with regards to Matthew 2:15?


Read Hosea 11:1-11

After reading Hosea 11:1 in context, who is this passage talking about?

What problems pop up if we only think this passage is talking about Jesus? Who or what gets ignored, especially when you consider the circumstances of the original context and audience?



Isaiah 7:14

Who is this passage talking about and why do you say that?


Read Isaiah 7:14-25

After reading Isaiah 7:14 within its context, who or what is this passage talking about?


Why is it a problem to insert Christ into this story before understanding its original context and meaning? 

If we ignore the original context, then we end up ignoring the plight and hopes of the Israelite's history. We ignore the rich plan of salvation history that God has been weaving throughout the entirety of the Bible. Yes Jesus is great, but if we only focus on Christ in passages such as these, then we have to ask ourselves "what is the point of even reading the Old Testament in its context anyway?"


Consider this...

When is a good time to read backwards?

Does this mean we can NEVER read backwards? Why or why not?

Why is this important given all we've learned regarding context over the past few weeks?

What will you personally do differently now that you understand the significance of reading Front-to-Back?

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