What Was Life Like In The Ancient World?

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  Mar 26, 2023
What Was Life Like In The Ancient World?

Scroll down and click play to listen along

Click "download" to check out today's handout


Main Question for today:

What was life like in the ancient world?


It's clay time...


Welcome Scribe!

Go find some modeling clay, a popsicle stick, and some scissors. 

Click on "download" down below and print the "Akkadian Alphabet" worksheet.

Take your scissors and cleanly cut off the round portion at one end of your stick to create a flat, square end.


Flatten out your clay to create a smooth, flat service.

Take the corner of your popsicle stick and try to replicate the triangular shapes of the Akkadian Alphabet from the handout. 

Try using the letters to write a word, or a phrase. You can even try

"Sphinx of black quarts, judge my vow"


Notice anything different or difficult as you do this? Does it feel strange or awkward as you mold the clay? Why do you think that is?

Are you used to writing like this?


As you listen, follow along with the discussion as you work your clay tablet.



Why do you think people in the ancient world used clay to write on?

What do you think the Bible was written on? What mediums were used and how does this differ from today?

Where did we find these ancient clay writings? Who did most of the writing in the ancient world?


Structure of Society

Consider this...

If you were a scribe and your job was to write stuff down for the king, where on the social ladder do you think you sit?


Who belonged to the top 1-2% of society?

Who belonged to the middle 6-7% of society?

Who belonged to the bottom 93% of society?


Have you ever heard of "subsistence Living?"

Listen along as Joshua explains what life was like living in the bottom 93% of the population in the ancient world.






To whom was Tribute given?

Who received the people's taxes?

Where did people direct their tithes?


~ 60% of a person's total income (money, harvest, loot, etc.) were always first devoted to Tribute, Taxes, and Tithes. 


Why do you think the Bible talks so much about a "bountiful harvest?"


Function of Religion

There are three main reasons why people devoted themselves to any particular religion. Religion provided people with: 


Control     Community     Comfort


How do you think religion provided people with Control?

Take the time to think it through as you listen along.


Why is living within a Community important and how does religion provide Community?

Pause to consider your answer.


How does religion provide Comfort for people?

Why is this?


Join us next week as we take a look at the Reliability of the Old Testament Scriptures. 

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