What is the Messiah? Pt. 1

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  Feb 4, 2024
What is the Messiah? Pt. 1

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Main Question for today...

Is the Messiah what we think it is?


The purpose of this series is to use a biblical approach in studying the characters, themes, and teachings of the Bible in order to bring us to a more mature faith in God.


As we look at the Messiah in the Bible today, consider how your perspectives of the Messiah changes as we learn from the Bible story.


Opening thought

Imagine you are sharing your faith with someone who is not a Christian and they ask you "Hey, I've heard of the Messiah before, but I don't know anything about it. Tell me what the Messiah is and tell me its function in the Bible." What would you say?


Our understanding of prophecy may include...


Fulfiller of prophecy of the Old Testament

Will bring about the final judgement and the end times

Will rule over God's Kingdom

God's Chosen One



The Messiah is a widely known figure of freedom, salvation, and reconciliation. The Messiah is a powerful theme found all throughout the Bible. But the Messiah is not all that we think.



Consider this...

What are we traditionally taught about prophecy in Sunday school and church? List a few things you have learned about prophecy.



What does “Messiah” mean?

משיח – Noun form = “anointed one (with oil)

משח – Verb form = “to anoint” for sanctification or a special position

Χριστος – Greek form = “Christ” = Hebrew “Messiah”

Jesus Christ


Who were the “anointed?”

Kings of Israel

Read the following passages

Saul - 1 Sam. 9:15-16; 24:4-6

David - 2 Sam. 2:4-7; 1 Sam 16:2-7; 13

Absalom - 2 Sam. 19:9-10

Solomon - 1 Kings 1:32-35

Joash - 2 Kings 11:12

Jehu and Hazael King of Aram - 1 Kings 19:15-16


What does it mean for the Israelite kings to be anointed?



Without pointing to Jesus, why is it important that the Messiah language is paired with a king?



Foreign Kings

Hazael King of Aram - 1 Kings 19:15-16

Cyrus King of Persia - Isaiah 45:1-7


What strikes you about an Aram King and a Persian King being called a “Messiah”/ “Anointed” of YHWH?




Priests in general - Lev. 4:3-5; Exodus 29:4-9; Lev. 8:10-13

High Priests - Daniel 9:25-27



How does the Messiah/anointed function with priests?



Take away

Do we see the End-times, savior-figure messiah in any of these anointings? Why or why not?


What are some things you notice about the role/function of these people who are anointed for a specific task?


What did this mean for the people of Israel?


How do you think this will relate to THE Messiah, Jesus?



Next week, we will continue the conversation of the Messiah and see how the "End-Times, savior-figure" messiah fits into this conversation.

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