What is the Goal of Discipleship?

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  Mar 31, 2024
What is the Goal of Discipleship?

Let's Review!


The definition of Discipleship that Cornerstone will use from now on is:

Following Jesus, being Formed by Jesus, and being on Mission with Jesus.


Each of these align with the Head, Heart, and Hands of a disciple of Jesus.


How do we do discipleship? What is our vehicle?

Our Vehicle for discipleship is: Relationships!


Let's talk about the goal of Discipleship


On a road trip, why is it important that we have a map?

Why is it important to have a mode of transportation?

Why is it important to have a destination for our trip?


Thinking about these questions and answers, in your own words, Write down what you think our ultimate goal of being a Christ follower is.


Some examples may include:

Going to Heaven,

Forgiveness of sins,

Spreading the Gospel,

Knowing as much about Jesus/ the Bible as possible.


All of these things are good, solid, biblical things, but none of these are our ultimate goal of following Jesus.

Let's look at why


Going to heaven: If this is our goal, then all we need to do is be baptized, right? If it's just going to where Jesus is after we die, then all we need to do is accept him as lord, right?


If forgiveness of sins is our ultimate goal, then all we need to do, again, is just be baptized and have our sins wiped away. No additional action required.


If spreading the gospel is our ultimate goal, then why not make a podcast, or write a book, or a groundbreaking research paper, or make a T.V. show? All of these things are way more effective at getting the word out about something. So why not just do these things?



Go to Ephesians 4:11-13 and we'll break it down a little bit.


What does v. 11 mean? Why are these different roles important? 

What are the functions of these roles? What is the intended result?


Thinking about leaders, saints serving, and building one another up, what is our end goal (v.13)?


Our ultimate goal is to become mature, attaining the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.


What does that even mean?


Simply put, the goal of leading others to Christ, and serving with acts of service, building one another up is to be made full in Christ. To be as close to a carbon copy of Jesus as we can be!


Why is it important that the body has equippers?

Why is it important that the body has hands and feet?

What kind of church do we get when we are missing either of these things?


Consider this...

What does it mean to be a "mature" person?

What does it mean to be a "mature" Christ follower?


What does a mature Christ follower look like? What is our goal?


The role of teachers, preachers, prophets, and others in ministry is to equip the saints for works of ministry, but what is the goal of EVERY saint?

We are called to be disciples who make disciples.


What does this mean for your church? 

What does this mean for you specifically?

How is God calling you to change so that you can be a disciple who makes disciples?


What action steps will you take this week to live this out?

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