What is Sheol?

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  Jul 23, 2023
What is Sheol?

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Main Question for today...

What does the Old Testament say about what happens when we pass away?


Consider this...

Describe what you know about death and the afterlife based on the Old Testament alone.


As you listen alone, turn to the passages found on today's handout and write down what this passage says about Sheol, death, and the afterlife.


Descriptions of Sheol

Gen. 25:7-8  

Gen. 37:35   

2 Kings 22:20

2 Chron. 34:27-28

Job 7:9-10

Job 14:13

Psalm 6:4-5

Psalm 16:10

Psalm 49:14-15

Psalm 89: 47-48

Psalm 139:8

Eccl. 2:14-16

Eccl. 3:18-22

Eccl. 9:1-6

Eccl. 12:6-7


Consider this...

What does the term “Sheol” or the “place of the dead” mean in these verses?

How is Sheol portrayed in these passages? Is it a physical place or a metaphorical concept?

What are some of the characteristics of Sheol? How is it described?

Are there any consequences or rewards associated with Sheol in these passages?

What do these passages reveal about the Israelite’s understanding of the afterlife?



Glimpses of More

1 Kings 17:17-24

Ezek. 37

1 Sam. 2:6

Psalms 49:13-15

Isa. 26:19

Gen. 5:24

2 Kings 2:1, 11

1 Sam. 28:8-17


What are some things you notice that are different between this list and the previous list?


Promises of More

Daniel is one of the last OT books to be written and comes at the tail end of Israel’s theology before the ITL and the time of Christ. So there has been some development over the centuries from when Genesis-kings happened and when Daniel happened.


Daniel 2:31-45

Daniel 12:1-2, 13


What do you notice that is different in these passages?


Consider this...

How has this shaped your understanding of Israel's concept of death and afterlife?

How has this impacted your own understanding of death and afterlife?

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