What is Ecclesiastes all about?

  •  Scott Curtis
  •  Jan 7, 2024
What is Ecclesiastes all about?

Listen along to the recording below for our discussion on the book of Ecclesiastes.


As you listen, pay special attention to the overall theme of the book.


Consider this...


What does the book primarily focus on? 

What is the author trying to point us to?


Throughout the book of Ecclesiastes, the author's reflections are meant to bring us four things:



"the Bible isn't true because it works, it works because it's true." - Oz Guiness



How do we reconcile the issue of pain and suffering in this world given the wisdom of Ecclesiastes?



Proverbs 9:10-- "The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."



Philippians 1:21-- "For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."



How do these themes impact our understanding of the final few verses of Ecclesiastes?

What should we take away from this book?

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