What is Discipleship?

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  Mar 17, 2024
What is Discipleship?

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The Purpose of this series is to help us understand what discipleship is, how we can be disciples of Jesus, Why and how we are called to be disciples, and where God is leading the church.


As you listen along, get a sheet of paper and a pen and write down your answer to this question: What is discipleship?


Your answer is most likely rooted in the Bible, doctrinally sound, encouraging, missional, and centered on Jesus. 



But think about your answer in the context of all of the other answers given. What do you notice about your answer and everyone else's answers?


How are they similar? 

How are they different?


Why are they similar or different?


How would you describe the answers the group gave?


Consider this...

On an individual level, all of these answers were probably correct! 

What are some of the advantages of having such a wide spread of answers?



Now let's zoom out a little bit to the church as a whole. 

What are some disadvantages of having so many different "definitions" of discipleship?


What are some side effects of not having a unified understanding of discipleship?


Biblical Discipleship

What is a great first step towards unifying the church in its understanding of discipleship?


Turn to Matthew 4:19 and read the verse.


Notice how the verse is divided up.


"Follow me"

What does it mean to "follow" Jesus?

It may seem simple, but try to answer it in a way that someone who has never heard of Jesus before could understand.


How does following Jesus engage our minds (the "head")?


"and I will make you..."

What does it mean to be made or formed by Jesus?

Again, keep it simple and try to answer this question as concisely as possible.


How does being formed by Jesus engage our hearts?


"fishers of people."

What does it mean to be on mission with Jesus?

Keep your answer simple.


What is Jesus' mission? What was his mission during his ministry on earth?

What is our mission?


How does being on mission engage our hands?



This is how we at Cornerstone define discipleship: A disciple follows Jesus, is being formed by Jesus, and is on mission with Jesus.


How can a unified understanding of discipleship help us as individuals grow closer to Jesus?

How can a unified understanding of discipleship help us as a community of believers grow closer to Jesus?


Why is it so important to engage the Head AND the Heart AND the Hands?

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