What Does The Map And Timeline Of The Bible Look Like?

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  May 7, 2023
What Does The Map And Timeline Of The Bible Look Like?

Scroll down to the bottom and click play to listen along


Main Question for today:

What does the map and the timeline of the Bible world look like?


Opening Activity

For those of you joining us online or those seeking to teach this lesson yourself, take a look at the map and timeline provided above under the "Resources" option beneath the audio recording. If you are a teacher, cover up the answers to the timeline and map and create a word bank for your class. Ask the class to fill in the answers to the corresponding time periods and zones on the map using the word banks. 

Follow along as you listen to the conversation.


Questions to consider...

As you look at the map of the ancient world, what stands out to you the most? 

Consider the size, the location, and the allocation of natural resources. 

Notice the colors of the map. What can these colors signify? Why is this significant?


Questions to consider...

As you look at the timeline of the Bible story, what stands out to you the most?

Consider the length of time between each event, the dates, and the categories of the various divisions.

Consider the history behind these events. As you read the books of the Bible, how can this timeline be used to help put the Bible story into context?


Take Away

Why does all of this matter?


How have these study tools helped you better understand the Bible story, its events, and the purposes behind God's plan for salvation?


How have these tools changed your understanding of the ancient world and the world of the Bible? 

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