What Does The Bible Say About Hell?

  •  Scott Curtis
  •  Aug 6, 2023
What Does The Bible Say About Hell?

Scroll down and click play to listen along

Main Question for today...

What does the Bible say about Hell?


Consider this...

Why do you think most churches shy away from talking about Hell?


Why would God create a place like Hell and then send people to it?

Read the following passages as you listen along:

Matthew 25:41

1 John 4:8-9

Exodus 33:19

Nehemiah 9:33

2 Thessalonians 1:6-8

Psalms 5:5-6

Matthew 25:25-26


How does the Bible describe God's characteristics?

How does this inform us of God's grace and love as well as His commitment to Justice?


A Loving God would not be loving if he did not punish evil. Mercy would have no meaning if it was not applied with justice.


Why doesn't God make sure everyone goes to heaven?

A loving God honors our free will and our desire to choose Him, while dealing justly with those who have rejected Him.


Why would a loving God punish finite sin with infinite torment?

The duration of a crime does not affect the punishment for it. That decision is up to the authority over it (God) who is a perfect judge.


Why would a loving God send "good people" to Hell?

Are there any good people? 

Read and listen along:

Romans 3:10-18

Romans 6:23





Mercy          Justice


Human Sin


Accept/Believe Jesus/Gospel          Reject Jesus/ Gospel             




  Heaven          Hell    



Take away

How has this conversation impacted your understanding of Hell?

How can we be a witness for Jesus by showing love and faithfulness towards non-believers?

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