What Are Angels? Pt. 2
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Main Question for today
What is an angel/ what are an angel's characteristics?
Based upon your understanding of the New Testament alone, what is an angel?
Take the time to write down a few of your thoughts as you listen along to the discussion.
Consider this...
When and where in the New Testament do angels play a major role in the story?
Thank about...
The Birth Narratives of Jesus and John
Jesus' Resurrection
The establishment of the Church
and the Consummation of Creation as seen in Revelation.
Ask yourself: What does this mean and what is its impact on the overall story of the New Testament?
Two common Questions
1) Who or what are the "powers" and "principalities"
2) What are guardian angels and what biblical evidence is there to support their existence?
What is a "power" or a "principality" based on your understanding of the Bible?
What passages can you point to to support your ideas?
Common Greek words used for "powers" and "principalities"
αρχη ("Ar-kay")(x56 in the New Testament) means "Beginning" [x42] or "ruler"
-- When thinking about αρχη John 1:1 is a good example of how this word is used.
δυναμις ("Du-nah-mis") means "power, might"
εξουσια ("ex-ou-see-ah") means "authority, right, power, control" and refers to one's authority to rule or have jurisdiction over.
Powers and Principalities
Read Romans 8:38
Often this passage translates the phrase as "...neither angels nor demons (αρχη), neither the present nor future, nor any powers (δυναμις)..."
αρχη elsewhere in the New Testament is used to: Refer to the leaders of the synagogue (Luke 12:11); refer to the leaders of Israel (Col. 2:15); and talks about human governments (Titus 3:1).
What category is Romans 8:38 talking about when it says "powers?" Angelic, Demonic, or Human entities? If it's talking about demonic structures, why not use the Greek word for "demon?"
Read 1 Corinthians 15:24
This passage is talking about God destroying ALL "...dominion (αρχη), authority (εξουσια), and power (δυναμις)..." So is this passage talking about Angelic, demonic, or human structures?
Read Ephesians 1:20-21; 2:2; 3:10; 6:12
Based on context, which categories are being referenced here? Angelic, Demonic, or human? Is there a combination?
Christ is seated "far above all rule and authority, power and dominion." could be a human category as Christ is above both human and celestial powers and forces.
2:2-- "of the air" and "Spirit of disobedience" is most likely referring to Angelic, demonic, or human structures?
3:10-- "...of the heavenly realms" could be referencing angelic or demonic forces?
6:12-- "...cosmic powers of darkness" and "spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms..." is most likely referring to which category?
Read Colossians 1:16, 2:10, 15
1:16--"Powers"--> another Greek word is used here that indicates "Lordship" over something
"Rulers" αρχη is used.
"Authorities" εξουσια is used
What is this passage talking about when it says "thrones?" Often times we associate "powers" and "principalities" with "thrones." Let's see how the Bible uses the word "thrones." (θρονος)("Thron-aws")
θρονος is used x63 times in the New Testament, 61 of these usages are referring to the throne of God, the throne of the lamb, the thrones of Israel's elders and leaders, and to other heavenly throne references. So it's safe to say that an overwhelming majority of these usages are referring to "good" thrones.
2:10-- which category is used here? Christ is the leader of all rulers and authorities so is this passage referring to all those who obediently follow his commands?
2:15-- which category is this verse talking about? Human? Jesus disarmed the rulers who put him on a cross and made them into a public spectacle by rising from the dead.
Consider this...
Are "powers" and "principalities" only ever evil forces? Can they be good or heavenly or Human forces? What does this mean and how does this change our understanding of "powers" and "principalities."
Guardian Angels
What are your thoughts on Guardian Angels?
What are they and what passages can you point to to support your ideas?
The Bible does seem to mention a group of angels that serve a protective function. Let's examine what the Bible specifically says about these angels.
Matt.18:10 references guardians of Children
Revelation 2-3 talks about angels that may serve as guardians of churches
Acts 12:6-11, 15 talks about an angel that protected Peter and released him from prison
Acts 5:19-20 mentions angels in relationship to the apostles
Matt. 4:6/Luke 4:10-11 angels are referenced with regards to Jesus' temptations.
Matt. 4:11/ Mark 1:13 mentions angels that minister to Jesus
Matt. 26:53 mentions angels that would defend Jesus while he was on the cross.
Based on these passages, what are your thoughts on guardian angels?
Most of the time we only point to Matthew 18:10 as the basis of angelic protectors of each and every person. What are the problems with this interpretation based on this verse?
Take away
What does this mean for us today?
How has this study impacted your understanding of angels and demons?
How can we used what we've learned in a real-life situation?
What is your greatest take away from these studies?