The Upper Room

  •  Scot Caley
  •  Mar 31, 2024
The Upper Room
The Upper Room
Scot Caley, Lead Minister

Peter was one of those who was chosen by Jesus as an eyewitness of nearly everything that Jesus did and taught.  He was also one of a select three who witnessed extraordinary events in Jesus' life.

- He was there with James and John to witness

- The Transfiguration

- The raising of Jairus’s daughter

- His prayer in the garden of Gethsemane

Peter’s perspective of the events of the Upper Room provides us with great insight into the last moments Christ spent with His disciples prior to His death. 

I wrote this as a study that may be particularly useful on Good Friday.  I pray that you may use it as the spirit leads, but may I suggest

   Peter obeyed in Preparation
Luke 22:7-13

   Peter participated in Seder
Luke 22:14-16

   Peter heard Declaration
Luke 22:15-18

   Peter experienced Washing
John 13:1-17

   Peter witnessed Treachery
Luke 22:21-23

   Peter joined in Dispute
Luke 22:24

   Peter received Rebuke
Luke 22:25-30

   Peter questioned Prediction
Luke 22:31-34

   Peter learned Remembrance
Luke 22:17-20

These are the things that Peter saw in the Upper Room.  The things that he would remember and teach and cling to as he carried out his commission to make disciples.  There are many things he would yet see and experience.  But what do you see?  In the things that Jesus did in that Upper Room what do you see?  Do you see Jesus’ love expressed for you?  Can we see our treachery and denial of that love because of sin?  Can we see His body pierced for us and His blood poured out for our redemption?  We can talk about what Peter saw, but the most important thing is what do you see?  What do you believe about Jesus?

                                                                                        Until the nets are full,  Scot

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