Is There a Difference Between a Christian and a Disciple?

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  Apr 21, 2024
Is There a Difference Between a Christian and a Disciple?

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What is our Roadmap/ Definition of a Disciple?

Following Jesus, being formed by Jesus, being on mission with Jesus.

How do we do discipleship? What is the vehicle?

RELATIONSHIPS! Relationships are the method–NOT the goal.

What is our goal as Christ followers?

Maturity in Christ. To be as close to a carbon copy as possible


What is a “Christian”

Is there a difference between a Christian and a Disciple?

How do you think the earliest Jesus followers identified themselves? What words/ titles did they use to describe themselves?

To better understand this question we need to first understand how the Bible uses the words “Christian” and “Disciple.”

How many times do you think the word “Christian appears in the Bible?


Acts 11:26      Acts 26:28     1 Peter 4:16

The Greek word used in these passages is Χριστιανος and it is where we get the word "Christian."

How is the word “Christian” used in these verses? What is its function?


What is a “Disciple”

What did a disciple look like in the NT? Take some time to write down some of the characteristics of a disciple based on your knowledge of the New Testament (NT).

What did the early church look like? Describe it like you're explaining it to someone who has never read the Bible.

Here are some examples of what a disciple looks like in the NT.

Acts 2:42-47 Acts 11:29     Acts 13:52

Some examples found elsewhere in the NT include: Prayer, teaching, meals together, service to one another, preaching, giving, ministry, missions, multiplying x1000s, and spreading everywhere.


A Personal look

Let’s get personal– Is what we saw happening in the New Testament happening here today at Cornerstone, or your home church? Why or why not?

For Cornerstone, in part sure! But not to the magnitude that we saw in the Bible numerically or in quality.

Can what happened in the Bible happen again today? Is it even possible? Why/why not?

Why isn’t what happened in the Bible not happening today?


Describe the differences between the church then and the church today– Be personal to your home church.

Write down some of the differences you notice. 


Christian vs Disciple

Were only some of the earliest Jesus followers called/commissioned to make disciples, do ministry, and lead others to the faith?

NO– Every disciple was called to do these things.

So, if every person in the NT was called to be disciples and make disciples, do we see that happening here at Cornerstone or your home church? Is every disciple being and making disciples? Why/ why not?

Is there a distinction in the NT between who was or wasn’t called to be disciples and make disciples?

In the NT do we see some people just coming to church, listening to the sermon, then going home and not giving it a second thought? Of course not.

Let’s get personal - is that happening at your home church today? How many people just go through the motions or check their checklist each week and that's the end of their engagement with the body of Christ?

Why do you think that is?


So earlier I described certain people doing ministry, missions, preaching, teaching, service, etc. Who primarily does these things in your home church? More than likely, the ones doing most of these services are the Ministers, preachers, elders, ministry team leaders, and extremely devoted volunteers.

Some people who just come, listen, go home, would call those people “Super Christians.” They may say things like "That’s not for me, I just want to come, listen, maybe pray, maybe read my bible, and go home and that's all I feel called to do." 

Does the Bible make a distinction between those who do these things and the thousands of disciples of Jesus? It doesn't.

So, if not, then it's most likely that through the years, we -as the church- have created a distinction in the Bible where none existed originally.

So, I ask you again, Is there a difference between a Christian and a disciple?


Our roles

Not everyone is called to preach, teach, or be a missionary. But what are we ALL called to do? We are all called be disciples and make disciples. In the NT EVERYONE did these things, not just a select few. Yes, certain people filled different roles (elders, deacons, ministers, preachers, evangelists, missionaries, servants, etc.). But EVERYONE helped to spread the gospel, be disciples, make disciples, and help others be disciples and make disciples.

So, what happened? How did we get here? Why?

Is there a difference? Have we made a difference where the Bible did not? Why?

What has stopped the church from becoming a disciple-making Hot House?

If EVERYONE is called to be a disciple, who makes disciples, what are YOU called to do?


Take away

What is God putting on your heart today?

What are some action steps you will take this week?

How will you start living out the Head Heart and Hands?

How will you help OTHERS live out the Head Heart Hands?

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