How Is Scripture Taken Out Of Context?

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  May 21, 2023
How Is Scripture Taken Out Of Context?

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Main Question for today:

How is Scripture taken out of Context?


Consider this...

Why is it important that we understand a passage of Scripture in Context?

What happens when we take verses out of context?

Why is this significant?


What are some things you can think of that you can do to properly understand Scripture in its context?


A good principle is to read 1 paragraph before and 1 paragraph after the passage we study.


Ephesians 5:22-24

Where and how have we heard this passage being used before?

Who most often uses this passage out of context and why?

What are some of the negative results of this passage being taken out of context?


Read Ephesians 5:15-33


Given the context, how do the surrounding verses change our understanding of vv. 22-24? Think about how we understood this passage BEFORE and how we understand it AFTER we read it in context.


What do you notice about the husband's responsibility given what we find in vv. 22-24, 15-20, and 25-33?

What does this mean for those who use vv. 22-24 out of context?


Matthew 18:20

Where and how have we heard this verse being used before?

Is this interpretation good, bad, neutral, harmful, etc.?

What meaningful lessons can we learn from this one verse?


Read Matthew 18:15-22


Given the context, how do the surrounding verses change our understanding of v. 20? Think about how we understood this passage BEFORE and how we understand it AFTER we read it in context.


Now what does this passage mean?

Knowing how the previous interpretations were not actually what this passage is talking about, what do we do with those previous interpretations?


Philippians 4:13

Where and how have we heard this verse being used before?

Is this interpretation good, bad, neutral, harmful, etc.?

What meaningful lessons can we learn from this one verse?


Read Philippians 4:11-13


Given the context, how do the surrounding verses change our understanding of v. 13? Think about how we understood this passage BEFORE and how we understand it AFTER we read it in context.


Now what does this passage mean?

What effect does an incorrect reading of the passage have upon the meaning of the text?


Consider this...

Moving forward, what will you do differently when you read individual verses from Scripture?

Why is it important that we understand Scriptures in their proper context?

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