How Does the New Testament Describe the Afterlife?

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  Jul 30, 2023
How Does the New Testament Describe the Afterlife?

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Main Question for today...

How does the New Testament describe the Afterlife?


As we start today's lesson, Click on the "Resources" button underneath the audio recording above to download the worksheet used in today's class.


Starting out...

Based upon your understanding of both the Old and New Testaments, what happens immediately after we die?


Pause the recording and think about this question on your own. How do you understand death and the afterlife? How do you understand the Bible's teaching on what happens when we pass from this world?

When you're ready, go ahead and press play and listen along. 


Consider this...

As we read through the passages below, consider these questions as we read:

What does this passage say about what happens to those who follow Jesus?

What does this passage say about when this will take place?

Does this passage say anything about the future hope of a resurrection?


Listen along or read on your own:

Matthew 5:12; 6:20; 7:21

Luke 16:19-26 (See also John 11:1-14)

Luke 23:43

John 14:2

2 Cor. 12:2

Philippians 3:20

Colossians 1:5


If the passages above were all that we had in the New Testament about death and the afterlife, there would be no question that when we die we immediately go to heaven. However, these are not the only passages we have in the New Testament telling us about what happens when we die and the afterlife.


Three categories of passages that...

Emphasize a future resurrection from the grave

John 5:24-29

Matt. 9:24

Matt. 27:52-53

Acts 7:54-60


Indicate that people have not gone to heaven

John 3:13

John 7:33; 8:21-23

Acts 2:29-35


Speak of God's Future restoration of the earth with humanity and creation included at the end of time, not right now

Matt. 19:28

Rom. 8:18-25

1 Thess. 1:10

1 Thess. 4:13-15

1 Thess. 5:10

John 14:3 (Read verse 2, then read verse 3 and note the conditional statement within)



Notice also that within the apostle's teachings, they never mention phrases like "When we die, we will go to heaven" immediately after we pass away. Instead, the emphasis is on the future resurrection from death to life. Those who call Jesus Lord, get to be resurrected into life, while those who are not saved, are resurrected into eternal death and punishment and separation from God. 



Steps for this week

Read through 1 Corinthians 15. This chapter gives us the most exhaustive look at what death and afterlife looks for those who call Jesus Lord.  

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