How Does Satan Influence The Church?

  •  Scott Curtis
  •  Jan 22, 2023
How Does Satan Influence The Church?

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Main Discussion

This week we explore a hard look at our culture and see different ways Satan Influences our culture and the church more specifically.


What do you think the reason for the Law is? 

Why do we have our own laws here in the United States?

Why did God give us His law in the Bible?


What do you think of what you hear "Just do it"? 

What does a phrase like this mean for our culture and how is it perceived by people given our sinful nature?

How are we to judge? Are we to judge?


Fill out the following chart as you listen along


                                       Character/ Attributes                           Desire                                                 Acts


God                                Light, all Knowing                                Saving Relationship                             Gospel

                                       Truth, Love


Satan                              Darkness, Liar                                      Destroy Relationship with God          Self-serving

                                       Murderer                                             Follow Him vs Follow Jesus                "just do it" 

                                                                                                    Wants to trap us                                 Deception



                                       People                                                  Culture                                                Church


Satan's Influence



Is Christianity a blind faith? Why or why not?


Top three responses from those when asked "Why do you believe what you believe?" I believe because...

1. I was brought up in this faith.

2. God changed me to be a better person.

3. I had a personal experience with God and my life changed forever.




Deuteronomy 6:24; Romans 7:7; Matthew 16:18, 7:1; 21 Timothy 4:2; Romans 1:20

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