How do we do Discipleship?

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  Mar 24, 2024
How do we do Discipleship?
  • Scroll down and click play to listen along

    Recall last week's discussion:

    What is Cornerstone's understanding of Discipleship?

    It's to Follow Jesus, be Formed by Jesus, and be on Mission with Jesus.


    Why is it important to have a clear and unified understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus?



    How do we become disciples?

    What are some characteristics of a disciple?

    Think about the spiritual disciplines, prayer, Bible reading, service, the fruits of the spirit, love, etc.


    Are these things what make us a disciple of Jesus? Why or why not?


    Are these things rather fruits of who we are as disciples? Why or why not?



    Think of a time when you felt discipled. What did that look like? Give some tangible examples.


    Likely, you learned from someone who was modeling with their lives what it meant to be a disciple.

    Would you have been the same kind of disciple had the exact information, disiplines, and practices been transmitted to you via a podcast, or a book, or an online video? Why or why not?


    What is missing from a book/podcast/video/paper that an interaction between you and a person could have?

    The answer is most likely: Relationships!



    Jesus' Model

    What did Jesus do specifically during his ministry? Did he stand up at the temple, give a speech for 8 hours, then go home? No! So what did he do?


    John 13:1-17 -> modeled service to one another

    Matthew 26:20-30 -> Modeled sharing a meal with those closest to him

    Luke 24:13-35 -> he taught them correct teachings and how to understand God better

    John 21:15-19 -> He encouraged his followers to continue in relationship with one another


    If these are the things Jesus did, what should we be doing?


    Jesus did teach the mind. Correct theology, doctrines, teachings, etc. But why do you think he taught his followers how to live and act differently?


    It's because Relationships is HOW we become disciples of Jesus. 


    HOWEVER, Relationships are NOT the goal. it is simply how Jesus poured into his followers and how he modeled right living in God.



    Consider this...

    Why are relationships so important?

    What do we miss out without it?


    Here is what we've learned so far:


    Road/path = Discipleship

    Map = Definition of Discipleship

    Vehicle = Relationship


    Destination = Next week!

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