How Do We Defend Against Satan's Influence?

  •  Scott Curtis
  •  Jan 29, 2023
How Do We Defend Against Satan's Influence?

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Main Question

How can we protect ourselves from Satan's Influence and from evil?

The Full Armor of God

Ephesians 6:12-17


The Belt of Truth

In order to protect ourselves from the influence of evil, we need to know, understand, and practice the truth found in the Bible.

Given our conversations about Satan, Why is it important to know the truth?


The Breastplate of Righteousness

The Greek word for "Righteousness" is dikaiosune (dik-ah-yos-oo'-nay) (δικαιοσυνη) and it means "a state that is in accord with standards for acceptable or anticipated behavior" --> "uprightness, righteousness, justice"

Romans 1:17

Romans 3:21-22


What is self-righteousness? How does this breastplate protect us against our own self-righteousness?

Does God require anything from us in order for us to receive salvation? Is there anything that we can do that will allow us to earn our way into God's Kingdom?


Feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of Peace

As Christians, what does this phrase mean? What does our Peace with God look like?

What does Peace with God give us as we make our way through our lives?

Romans 16:20

Proverbs 16:7


Shield of Faith

How does Job's faithfulness help him throughout the book of Job?

Job 13:15


Why is acting on the knowledge that we have about Christ important? What does putting our faith in to action look like?


Take the Helmet of Salvation

What securities do we have knowing that we have placed our salvation in Jesus?

Job 19:25-27


Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God

How can we use God's word to protect ourselves and those in the church?

How can we harm people by using the Bible incorrectly? 

Why is it important to speak truth, yet with love and gentleness? 

Can we win people to Christ by arguing with them? Is it more important to win an argument or is it more important to show God's grace and love? Why?

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