How Do I Use A Study Bible?

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  Jun 11, 2023
How Do I Use A Study Bible?

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Main Question for today...

How can I make the most of my Study Bible? How do I use a study Bible?


Consider this...

Why are study Bible's useful?

Consider some instances when you would want to use a study Bible compared to a non-study Bible.

What are your favorite reasons for using a study Bible?


Cross References

What is cross referencing? Essentially, a cross reference is checking one thing against another. In the context of the Bible, we often cross reference one Scripture reference with another in order to support an idea, theme, or doctrine. 

Why is cross referencing important in the Bible and other texts?

When should we cross reference? There are several reasons: 1) to support something about our faith; 2) to provide additional evidence that will shed light on a difficult biblical concept; 3) to summarize a major or minor theme that weaves itself through Scripture. These are just some examples.


In a study Bible, cross-references are the book and chapter numbers found in the middle margins or within the footnotes located at the bottom of each page. Within the foot notes they might look something like: "Cf. 1 Sam 2:7; Ps 113:7-8." Or "See..."


Parallel Passages

Read Matthew 6:9-13 and check out the references located in the center margin or in the footnotes. What locations are being referenced?

See Mark 11:25 and Luke 11:2-4

What is this reference telling us to do?

Why do you think the references sent us to Mark 11:25 and Luke 11:2-4?



Read Luke 10:27 and look to the reference in the footnotes or in the margins.

What is this reference telling us to do?

Go to Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18

Why is Luke 10:27 doing with these two OT passages?



Read Matthew 4:1-11

What is going on here in this passage?

Some study Bibles direct us toward Hebrews 2:18 and 4:15. Go there now and read these verses.

Why would the references for Matthew 4:1-11 point us to these passages in Hebrews?



Notes and Commentary

What kinds of things do the footnotes do for us? How or why are they useful?


Explanations written by Human Experts

Are footnotes Scripture?

Are footnotes useful non-the-less?

Footnotes are out best attempt to explain the text given what we know about Scripture.

The best footnotes are the ones that give multiple interpretations and approaches.


General Comments

Go back to Matthew 4:1-11

What do you notice about how the sections of 4:1-11 are organized within the footnotes?


What is the purpose of organizing it by 4:1-11 and then each individual verse after that?


Verse Comments

Each verse comment zooms in on the specific key words, phrases, or thoughts, used within the verse and helps us understand it better.



Book Introductions

Turn to the beginning of the Bible, the OT, or the NT, or any specific book.

What did you find at the beginning of these sections?

Why do you think this material is helpful?


Book introductions help provide purpose, author, date, genre, outlines of the text, info in style, and even connections to other types of texts within the Bible.

The best way to use these introductions is to use them to gain a general understanding of the book you are about to read.


A great practice is to read through the introduction first to get a general understanding of the text you are about to read.

Then read the book so you know what it says.

Then revisit the introduction to help clear up anything that didn't make sense or to help connect some dots while answering some of your questions you may have had as you read.



Consider this...

How has this helped you understand your Bible?

What will you do differently now that you know this?

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