How Can I Practically Engage With Culture? Pt. 2

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  Oct 1, 2023
How Can I Practically Engage With Culture? Pt. 2

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Today we continued our conversation from last week and wrapped up the series by answering your questions


Main Question for today...

What are some practical applications of this new perspective?



Q + A

During this portion of the lesson, We took some time to answer questions, and express our concerns and thoughts, while also addressing what this new perspective means for our lives.



Copyright © 2016 John Nugent. All rights reserved. All credit for this material belongs to Dr. John Nugent at Great Lakes Christian College in Lansing, Michigan.


Nugent, John C. Endangered Gospel: How Fixing the World is Killing the Church. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2016.

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