How Can I Practically Engage With Culture? Pt. 1
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Main Question for today...
What are some things we should avoid with this new perspective?
What are some practical applications of this new perspective?
Pitfalls to avoid
Isolationism – Circle the wagons, focus only on ourselves, and exclude outsiders.
Church’s response: Churches that cease to exist for the world, cease to exist as an integral part of God’s plan for his kingdom. Our mission is for the world.
However, we should not mistake prioritization for isolationism
Utopianism – Creating the ideal society of prosperity and tranquility
Church’s response: We acknowledge that we are still affected by sin and its consequences. But it is not utopianism to cast a vision of the Best place–God’s Kingdom, while still acknowledging that God will fulfill his mission.
Q + A
During this portion of the lesson, We took some time to answer questions, express our concerns and thoughts, while also addressing what this new perspective means for our lives.
During this session, we began answering some of the questions provided above in today's handout. Click on "Resources" and download the Document to follow along.
Join us next week when we finish the remaining questions the class has about Endangered Gospel.
Copyright © 2016 John Nugent. All rights reserved. All credit for this material belongs to Dr. John Nugent at Great Lakes Christian College in Lansing, Michigan.
Nugent, John C. Endangered Gospel: How Fixing the World is Killing the Church. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2016.