Does Archaeology Support The Bible?

  •  Scott Curtis
  •  Apr 16, 2023
Does Archaeology Support The Bible?

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Main Question for today:

Does Archaeology support the Bible?


Archaeology: The study of human history through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains.


Consider this...

How do you check to see if something is true? What steps to you take to determine if something is true or not?

How do you think archaeology is used to study the Bible?

Does archaeology support everything in the Bible? Why or why not?

If not, does that mean that we cannot trust the Bible? Why or why not?


If you could fund your own expedition and had unlimited funds, what kinds of events, places, people of the Old Testament would you most want to find and learn about with archaeology? Why?


Read these passages and consider how they provide evidence for the historical events of the Bible:


1 Kings 14:25-26

2 Kings 20:20

2 Kings 24:10-14

Luke 3:1

Romans 16:23

John 5:1-9

John 11:49-53


Take away

Archaeology is only as good as its interpretation.

Interpretations can differ depending on who you talk to, who examines the same evidence, and our own bias. What's important is that we examine the evidence closely and honestly and use the tools we have to the best of our ability.

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