Do Animals Go to Heaven?

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  Jul 16, 2023
Do Animals Go to Heaven?

Scroll down and click play to listen along

Click "Download" below to check out the handout used for today's discussion

Main Question for today...

Do animals go to heaven?


On a piece of paper, Draw out a double sided arrow going from left to right. Put the words "yes" and "no" on either end. Something like this...


Yes                          Maybe                             No



Before we begin, how would you answer the question, "Do animals go to heaven?" 

Take some time to write down your thoughts, Bible verses you might think of, and reasons why you believe what you believe.


Click on the "Resources" button above to download the handout for today.

As you listen along think about the following questions...


What is this verse saying about the relationship between God and animals?

How does this verse speak to the question of if animals go to heaven or not?

How does this verse compare to other Bible passages?


Consider these passages...


Psalm 104:10-30

Psalm 36:6

Romans 8:19-22

Revelation 5:13-14

Isaiah 11:6-9

Isaiah 65:25

Ecclesiastes 3:18-21

Ecclesiastes 12:7

Job 12:7-10

Luke 12:6

Genesis 1:25-31


As we talk about these verses, place them on the scale you drew out earlier. 

Where would you place these verses on a scale of "Yes this verse says animals go to heaven," to "No, this verse says nothing about the fate of animals," to "Well... maybe this passage suggests animals go to heaven."



What are some trends you notice about these passages?

Are there any theological or other biblical principles that shed light on this topic?

How does the concept of redemption and restoration between Christ and humanity fit in with all of this?

What differences do you see between God's relationship with humans and God's relationship with animals?

Does the Bible answer this question definitively?


Consider this...

What conclusions have you come to after this discussion?

Was there anything unexpected that you learned?

What can this conversation teach us about our role in God's plan for salvation?

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