Am I Spiritually Mature? Pt. 4

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  May 26, 2024
Am I Spiritually Mature? Pt. 4

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Last week we talked about the Spiritual stages of our growth and we covered the first two categories: Spiritual Children and Spiritual Young Adults. We talked about each group's characteristics (Their defining features), their abilities (What can they do) and their needs (What they need from other people). Today, we’re going to cover the final stage of spiritual growth: Spiritual Parents


Spiritual Parents vs Spiritual (something else?)


 Three huge shifts take place in a person's spiritual walk towards Christ. The first is from Death to life. The moment they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, a person is moving from the Spiritually Dead to a Spiritual Infant. 

The Second is the shift from Spiritual Children to Spiritual Young Adults. Here a person grows from a Self-centered perspective to an "other's-centered" perspective. The final shift takes place between a Spiritually Young Adult and a Spiritual Parent. 


We could have chosen any word to explain this final spiritual stage. For example, I could have used "Spiritual Adult," or "Spiritual Elder," or "Spiritual Leader." Why do you think we chose the word spiritual "parent" rather than "adult?"


Consider the physical characteristics of a physical adult. What makes a person an "adult?"

With that in mind, describe for me the characteristics of a Parent. And we’re talking about someone who isn’t 15 years old and had a child, but someone who we would describe as an established parent.

What are some of the key differences between a physical adult and a physical parent?

Most obvious is that a parent has children while an adult doesn’t necessarily have children. Parents reproduce!

So when it comes to our spiritual formation and the spiritual stages of growth, what is the single key defining characteristic that separates someone from being a Spiritual Adult from a Spiritual Parent? Why?

Thinking about the fact that the key defining characteristic between an adult and a parent is that one reproduces and has children, How does this relate to our spiritual growth?

With regards to our spiritual growth, which do you think God want’s us to be? Just a spiritual adult or a spiritual parent? Why?

Read Matthew 28:18-20

What does this say about what we are supposed to do with regards to other people’s spiritual walks with Christ

Read Colossians 1:28

How does this relate to our duty to make disciples

Read Ephesians 4:11-13

What does this say about what we as people growing in Christ are supposed to be doing?

Do we all agree that reproduction is the obvious next step in our journey towards Spiritual maturity in Christ?

So if reproducing Jesus in other people is one of the most important key defining characteristics and all of our next steps towards Christ, where are is someone on the spiritual stages pathway if they are not actively reproducing Jesus in someone else?


The biblical mark of the healthiest and most mature disciples is characterized by those who were actively replicating Jesus in others. Disciples making Disciples

Sure, we can live your life following Jesus, but without the act of replication, we still have a next step that we need to take. And it doesn’t just stop there. It’s not a “one-and-done” action but rather it becomes who you are. When you have a kid, you don’t stop becoming a parent as soon as the child is born, or becomes a teen, or if they become a parent themselves. It is an ongoing process towards maturity in Christ.

So let’s look at some of the characteristics of a spiritual parent


Spiritual Parents 

What are some characteristics that you can think of that defines someone who is a spiritual parent?

Things a Spiritual Parent may say?

"My co-worker asked me to explain my faith to them. Please pray for me."

"My friend asked me to baptize them! I’m going to help her connect to a ministry she might enjoy."

"I have a spiritual child in my small group who is disruptive and causing conflicts. Pray that I can navigate this situation with love and grace."

"I’m feeling led to start discipling a young adult in my group."

"Will you hold me accountable as I start to disciple my kids?"


What are some of abilities of spiritual parents? Think of this in two parts:

1) What can they do for the Lord as a spiritual parent?

They can/ have established healthy boundaries between work, life, and relationships

They understand the expectations of those they serve

They can identify their own gifts and the gifts of others.

They can train others to become spiritually more mature

They are able to process the pain and hurt from broken relationships. They have learned not to become cynical or disillusioned because of this.

They actively continue to strengthen their own relationship with God and others.


2) What do they need to do in order to grow closer to the Lord?

They need to make disciples who make disciples

They need to realize that spiritual parents are NOT perfect

They need to recognize that what marks them as a spiritual parent is their own intentionality in building their own, on-going relationship with Christ.

They need to know how to delegate responsibility to others so that they can rest and avoid burnout

They need to understand their role as disciple-makers and leaders of the church

They need to accept that they are qualified to start making disciples who make disciples.


What are some of the needs of a spiritual parent? Put differently, What does the spiritual parent need from me?

I need to show them the importance of multiplying disciples who make disciples

I need to continue abiding with them as a spiritual counselor

I need to continue to model authentic relationships with them

I need to show them how and why they should start their own discipleship-relationship with someone else.

I need to be free to develop people towards maturity in Christ

I need to encourage them as they make mistakes

I need to hold them accountable for furthering their walk, and the walks of others, with Jesus

I need to celebrate their accomplishments and their giftedness with them.


Take Away

I want everyone in here to seriously consider where you are on your spiritual Journey. And I want you to do two things.

First, take a look at the things you say, do, act, etc. Write them down then go and compare them with the things we’ve been talking about.

Second, I want you to go to someone else (Spouse, best friend, person close in your life, mentee/mentor) and ask them where they would put you based on our conversations over the past few weeks.

You may find that you are right on track with what you thought you were. Great! Now start taking your next steps and start moving into the next stage

You may find that you thought you were more/less spiritually mature than you thought. That’s ok! But it’s important to get a perspective from someone other than yourself so that you can get an honest, and unbiased opinion and observations.

It's going to hurt. But that doesn’t mean there is no hope or no way forward. This will help you know what tangible steps you need to take to keep growing. So take those steps this week so you can help Be a disciple that makes Disciples.


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