Am I Spiritually Mature? Pt. 3

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  May 19, 2024
Am I Spiritually Mature? Pt. 3

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Last week we talked about the Spiritual stages of our growth and we covered the first two categories: the Spiritually dead and Spiritual infants. We talked about each group's characteristics (Their defining features), their abilities (What can they do) and their needs (What they need from other people). Today, we’re going to cover the next two stages of spiritual growth: Spiritual children and spiritual young adults.


Spiritual Children

How would you define someone who is a spiritual child? And why?

What are some characteristics that you can think of that defines someone who is a spiritual child?

Things they say:

"This church isn’t meeting my needs anymore. I’m going somewhere different that does it better"

"Don’t branch my small group. I don’t want to add anyone new."

"Why do we have to learn new songs. I like the old ones more."

"I didn’t like the sermon today. It didn’t feed me at all."

"No one ever says hi to me in the lobby, calls me during the week, or spends time with me."


From a weeks ago, how does this relate to someone who is a physical child? Why/how?


What are some abilities of a spiritual child? Think of this in two parts:

1) What can they do for the Lord as a spiritual child

They can build new habits

They can accept new truths

They can start living for Jesus

2) What do they need to do in order to grow closer to the Lord?

They need to start trusting God in obedience

They need to connect to groups of people and form relationships towards Jesus

They need to do what the Word says rather than what their feelings say

They need to move from a "self-centered" heart to an "other’s-centered" heart.

They need to start spending intentional time with God, the Word, and in prayer

They need to do the right things for the right reasons.

How does this relate to someone who is a physical child? Why/how?


What are some of the needs of a spiritual child? Put differently, What does the spiritual child need from me?

I need to form strong relational connections with them

I need to connect them with other believers, not just me

I need to provide solid, biblical teaching to strengthen their spiritual habits

I need to teach them how to self feed

I need to help them transition towards God-centered and Kingdom-focused living.

I need to teach them what to expect and what not to expect from other Christians

How does this relate to someone who is a physical child? Why/how?


Spiritual Young Adults

How would you define someone who is a spiritual young adult? And why?

A second major shift takes place when a spiritual young adult shifts from a "self-centered" mindset to an "others-centered" mindset. 


What are some characteristics that you can think of that defines someone who is a spiritual young adult?

Things a Spiritual Young Adult may say:

"I came across something I have a question about while reading my Bible."

"I love serving in the Children’s ministry. I’m glad I can give parents a chance to attend service."

"I have two friends I’ve been witnessing too. I’m going to invite them to my small group."

"A couple missed our group this week, so I called them to check-in. They have the flu, so maybe our group can make them meals until they feel better. I’ll start!"

From a weeks ago, how does this relate to someone who is a physical young adult? Why/how?


What are some of abilities of spiritual young adults? Think of this in two parts:

1) What can they do for the Lord as a spiritual young adult?

They can start obeying God fully

They can connect to others via relationships

They follow the Word instead of their own feelings

They think in terms of others rather than themselves.

They solidify their spiritual habits

They do the right things for the right reasons.


2) What do they need to do in order to grow closer to the Lord?

They need to help establish boundaries between work, life, and relationships.

They need help in how to respond to the expectations of those they serve.

They need to identify their gifts and skill sets for ministry

They need to accept the training of someone more spiritually mature than them

They need to be able to process the pain of hurt and broken relationships so they do not become cynical and disillusioned.

They need to continue to strengthen their relationships with God and others.

How does this relate to someone who is a physical young adult? Why/how?


What are some of the needs of a spiritual young adult? Put differently, What does the spiritual young adult need from me?

I need to show them opportunities to serve

I need to mentor them in ministry

I need to coach them so they can debrief their own ministry experiences

I need to form ever-increasing relationships with them and others so that they will be encouraged and hold themselves accountable.

How does this relate to someone who is a spiritual young adult? Why/how?


Take Away

How have these points helped you to understand the middle stages of a person's spiritual growth?

Is there someone in your life that have said or acted in these ways? If so what is your role and what do you need to do to help them grow?



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