Am I Spiritually Mature? Pt. 2

  •  Joshua Bush
  •  May 12, 2024
Am I Spiritually Mature? Pt. 2

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Recap from last week

Last week we talked about the physical stages of human growth and we essentially categorized these stages into 5 large groups: Dead, infant, Child, Young Adult, and Parent. We talked about each group's characteristics (Their defining features), their abilities (What can they do) and their needs (What they need from other people).


Spiritual Stages of Growth

Have you ever thought about Spiritual stages of growth? Last week we had a huge conversation, breaking down all the nuances of small sub-sections of physical growth, but how would we all categorize different stages of Spiritual growth?

Write down some of your ideas so you can see them in front of you

Today, we’re going to cover a few of these categories and next week we will finish up with the remaining stages.


Spiritually Dead

How would you define someone who is spiritually dead? And why?


What are some characteristics that you can think of that defines someone who is spiritually dead?

Things a spiritually dead person may say include:

There are lots of ways to get to God

I’m a good person, so I will be OK

I don’t believe there’s a God

I’m spiritual, but I don’t connect with any singular religion


Things a spiritually dead person may do include:

World Centered life. Prioritizing the “things of this world”

Perpetuation of Sin


From last week, how does this relate to someone who is physically dead? Why/how?


What are some abilities of the Spiritually dead? Think of this in two parts

1) What can they do for the Lord being spiritually dead

Nothing, rot, make a mess.

2) What do they need to do in order to grow closer to the Lord?

They need to understand the life Jesus brings.

They need to understand the consequences of sin.

They need to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

How does this relate to someone who is physically dead? Why/how?


What are some of the needs of a Spiritually dead person? Put differently, What does the Spiritually dead need from me?

We need to establish authentic relationships initiated through our live/example/model.

We need to introduce them to Jesus and the life he brings.

We need to answer their questions about the Bible, God, and Christianity

We need to clearly explain the Gospel.

We need to extend an invitation to trust and follow Jesus to them.

How does this relate to someone who is physically dead? Why/how?


Spiritual Infants

How would you define someone who is a spiritual infant? And why?

Being born again is the major change


What are some characteristics that you can think of that defines someone who is a spiritual infant?

Things a spiritual infant may say include:

I didn’t know the Bible said that

I don’t need anyone else in my life. It's just me and Jesus

I don’t need relationships

Being with friends is my church

I need someone to regularly care for me

From last week, how does this relate to someone who is a physical infant? Why/how?


What are some of the abilities of spiritual infants? Think of this in two parts

1) What can they do for the Lord as a spiritual infant?

Be Loud, consume, make mistakes, start to learn,

2) What do they need to do in order to grow closer to the Lord?

They need to develop new habits (prayer, bible reading, church community, etc.)

They need to accept new truth that opposes the “truth” of the world. They need to start living as a follower of Jesus.

How does this relate to someone who is a physical infant? Why/how?


What are some of the needs of a spiritual infant? Put differently, What does the spiritual infant need from me?

We need to show them genuine friendship.

We need to feed and care for them so they can grow.

We need to protect and guide them.

We need to share truth about the Christian faith.

We need to model the Christian faith for them.

How does this relate to someone who is a spiritual infant? Why/how?


Take away

How have these points helped you to understand the earliest stages of a person's spiritual growth?

Last week we talked about Time spent in the Church = spiritual maturity. Is there someone in your life that have said or acted in these ways? If so what is your role and what do you need to do to help them grow?

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